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Class: TrpcService

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new TrpcService(_debug)





Private _client: any


Private _debug: any


Private _opts: any



get client(): DecoratedProcedureRecord<{ exchange: CreateRouterInner<RootConfig<{ ctx: object ; errorShape: DefaultErrorShape ; meta: object ; transformer: DefaultDataTransformer }>, { create: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"mutation", "create", { address: string ; fromAmount: number ; fromCurrency: number ; toCurrency: number }, Promise<{ fromAmount: number ; fromCurrency: string ; id: number ; payinAddress: any ; payoutAddress: string ; toAmount: number ; toCurrency: string ; validUntil: Date }>>> } & { getAllCurrencies: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAllCurrencies", undefined | { currencies: number[] }, Promise<{ decimals: number ; icon: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; network: string ; poolId: null | string ; ticker: string ; unit: string }[]>>> } & { getEstimatedAmount: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getEstimatedAmount", { fromAmount: number ; fromCurrency: number ; toCurrency: number }, Promise<{ toCurrency: { decimals: number ; icon: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; network: string ; poolId: null | string ; ticker: string ; unit: string } ; toEstAmount: undefined | number }>>> } & { getExchangeBoundaries: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getExchangeBoundaries", { flow: "fixed-rate" | "standard" ; fromCurrency: number ; toCurrency: number }, Promise<{ maxAmount: null | number ; minAmount: null | number }>>> } & { getPending: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getPending", { address?: string ; exchangeId: number }, Promise<{ assets: { collectionId: number ; destAddress?: string ; quantity: number }[] ; exchange: { from: { amount: null | string ; currency: { decimals: number ; icon: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; network: string ; poolId: null | string ; ticker: string ; unit: string } } ; payinAddress: undefined | string ; payoutAddress: string ; steps: { from: { currency: null | { decimals: number ; icon: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; network: string ; poolId: null | string ; ticker: string ; unit: string } } ; status: null | string ; to: { currency: null | { decimals: number ; icon: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; network: string ; poolId: null | string ; ticker: string ; unit: string } } }[] ; to: { amount: undefined | string | number ; currency: { decimals: number ; icon: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; network: string ; poolId: null | string ; ticker: string ; unit: string } } ; validUntil: null | string } ; recipient: null ; recipientAddressMismatch: boolean ; txHash: null }>>> } & { getTotal: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getTotal", { fromCurrency?: number ; toCurrency?: number }, Promise<Record<string, unknown>>>> } & { mint: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"mutation", "mint", { assets: { collectionId: number ; destAddress?: string ; quantity: number ; token?: string }[] ; changeAddress: string ; fromCurrency: string ; options?: { delegatePool?: boolean ; gReCaptchaToken?: string ; referral?: string } ; recipient?: boolean | { address: string ; note: string } }, Promise<{ address: string ; createdAt: string ; currency: string ; exchange: Exchange ; exchangeId: string ; expiredAt: string ; id: number ; keyhash: string ; ownerAddress: string ; recipient: undefined | boolean | { address: string ; note: string } ; tansactionId: null | string }>>> }> } & { marketplace: CreateRouterInner<RootConfig<{ ctx: object ; errorShape: DefaultErrorShape ; meta: object ; transformer: DefaultDataTransformer }>, { searchCollections: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "searchCollections", { term: string }, Promise<{ name: null | string ; policyId: string ; score: number }[]>>> } & { getCurrentUser: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getCurrentUser", undefined, Promise<undefined | { bio: null | string ; email: string ; emailVerified: null | Date ; id: string ; image: null | string ; name: null | string ; username: null | string ; walletConnections: { id: number ; userId: string ; wallet: { id: number ; stakeKey: string ; userId: null | string } ; walletExtensionKey: string ; walletId: number }[] ; wallets: { id: number ; stakeKey: string ; userId: null | string }[] }>>> }> } & { spo: CreateRouterInner<RootConfig<{ ctx: object ; errorShape: DefaultErrorShape ; meta: object ; transformer: DefaultDataTransformer }>, { getMetadataExists: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getMetadataExists", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<{ poolId: string }>>> } & { getMetadataErrors: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getMetadataErrors", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<{ cause: string ; poolHash: string ; poolId: string ; retryCount: number ; time: string ; utcTime: string }[]>>> } & { getMetadataHash: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getMetadataHash", { bech32PoolAddress: string ; hash: string }, Promise<{ description?: string ; homepage?: string ; name?: string ; ticker?: string ; verification?: string }>>> } & { getPool: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getPool", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<{ owners: number ; pledgeMet: boolean ; poolInfo: { active_size: number ; active_stake: string ; blocks_epoch: number ; blocks_minted: number ; declared_pledge: string ; fixed_cost: string ; hex: string ; live_delegators: number ; live_pledge: string ; live_saturation: number ; live_size: number ; live_stake: string ; margin_cost: number ; owners: string[] ; pool_id: string ; registration: string[] ; retirement: string[] ; reward_account: string ; vrf_key: string } }>>> } & { getTopology: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getTopology", { ipDns: string }, Promise<IOHKTopologyOutput>>> } & { getAllBlocks: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAllBlocks", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<DBSyncAllBlocksOutput>>> } & { getAllRelays: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAllRelays", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<{ lastEntry: DBSyncRelay[] ; location: (null | GeoipLiteLookup)[] ; relays: { [key: string]: DBSyncRelay[]; } ; rtt: RTTOutput[] }>>> } & { getAllMetadatas: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAllMetadatas", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<DBSyncAllMetadatasOutput[]>>> } & { getOfflineMetadata: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getOfflineMetadata", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<DBSyncOfflineMetadata[]>>> } & { getAllUpdates: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAllUpdates", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<DBSyncUpdatesOutput>>> }> } & { staking: CreateRouterInner<RootConfig<{ ctx: object ; errorShape: DefaultErrorShape ; meta: object ; transformer: DefaultDataTransformer }>, { collectionStats: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "collectionStats", { stakeCollectionId: number }, Promise<{ breakdown: Omit<{ description: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; policyId: null | string ; supply: null | number }, "id" | "description"> & { stakedNfts: number }[] ; total: { stakedNfts: number ; supply: number } }>>> } & { evaluateStake: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "evaluateStake", { stakeId: number }, Promise<{ date: Date ; total: { quantity: string ; unit: string }[] }[]>>> } & { getStakes: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getStakes", { changeAddress: string ; stakeCollectionId?: number }, Promise<({ address: string ; assets: CachedAsset[] ; claimId: null | number ; claimed: null | boolean ; claimedTx: boolean ; deleted: null | boolean ; deposit: any ; endAt: null | Date ; harvest: { isConfirmed: boolean ; json: undefined | TransactionJson ; txHash: undefined | string } & { context: null | string ; harvestAt: string ; id: number ; rewards: HarvestReward[] ; stakeId: number ; transactionId: number } & { confirmedAt: null | string ; createdAt: null | string ; id: number ; isConfirmed: null | boolean ; json: null | TransactionJson ; lockedUntil: null | string ; mainnet: null | boolean ; metadata: null | object ; metadataHash: null | string ; recipient: null | Recipient ; referral: null | string ; reservedPkh: string ; sentAt: null | string ; sequenceTxId: null | number ; sequencedTransaction: null | string ; submitted: null | boolean ; txHash: null | string ; wallet: null | string } ; harvestByAssets: { context: null | string ; harvestAt: null | string ; id: number ; quantity: null | string ; rewardUnit: null | string ; row: unknown ; stakeHarvestId: null | number ; stakeId: null | number ; txHash: null | string ; unit: null | string }[] ; id: number ; keyhash: string ; policyScript: PolicyScript$1 ; result: StakeEvalV2 ; rewards: null | number ; stakeCollectionId: number ; stakedTx: boolean ; startAt: null | Date ; status: StakeStatus ; transactionId: null | number } | { address: string ; assets: CachedAsset[] ; claimId: null | number ; claimed: null | boolean ; deleted: null | boolean ; deposit: any ; endAt: null | Date ; harvest: { context: null | string ; harvestAt: string ; id: number ; rewards: HarvestReward[] ; stakeId: number ; transactionId: number } & { confirmedAt: null | string ; createdAt: null | string ; id: number ; isConfirmed: null | boolean ; json: null | TransactionJson ; lockedUntil: null | string ; mainnet: null | boolean ; metadata: null | object ; metadataHash: null | string ; recipient: null | Recipient ; referral: null | string ; reservedPkh: string ; sentAt: null | string ; sequenceTxId: null | number ; sequencedTransaction: null | string ; submitted: null | boolean ; txHash: null | string ; wallet: null | string } ; harvestByAssets: { context: null | string ; harvestAt: null | string ; id: number ; quantity: null | string ; rewardUnit: null | string ; row: unknown ; stakeHarvestId: null | number ; stakeId: null | number ; txHash: null | string ; unit: null | string }[] ; id: number ; keyhash: string ; policyScript: PolicyScript$1 ; result: StakeEvalV2 ; rewards: null | number ; stakeCollectionId: number ; startAt: null | Date ; transactionId: null | number })[]>>> } & { harvestStake: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"mutation", "harvestStake", { assets?: string[] ; changeAddress: string ; claim?: boolean ; mainnet?: boolean ; stakeId: number ; utxos: Object }, Promise<{ transaction: string }>>> } & { stakableAssets: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "stakableAssets", { stakeCollectionId: number ; utxos: Object }, Promise<(Omit<CachedAsset, "id"> | { assetName: string ; available: null | boolean ; id: number ; metadata: null | object ; policyId: string ; rarity: null | number ; unit: string })[]>>> } & { stakeAssets: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"mutation", "stakeAssets", { assets: (string | { quantity: number ; unit: string })[] ; changeAddress: string ; mainnet: boolean ; options: { delegatePool?: boolean ; poolId?: string } ; seconds?: number ; stakeCollectionId: number ; utxos: Object ; wallet: string }, Promise<{ stakeId: number ; transaction: string }>>> } & { stakeCollectionInfo: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "stakeCollectionInfo", { stakeCollectionId: number }, Promise<{ stakeCollection: { available: boolean ; id: number ; maxPerTransaction: number ; minPerTransaction: null | number ; policies: string[] ; policiesInfo: { description: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; policyId: null | string ; supply: null | number }[] ; rules: any ; stakingPeriods: StakingPeriods[] ; tokens: { assetName: null | string ; available: null | boolean ; collectionId: null | number ; decimal: null | number ; id: number ; metadata: null | object ; unit: null | string }[] } }>>> } & { stakeEval: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "stakeEval", { assets: (string | { quantity: number ; unit: string })[] ; mainnet: boolean ; stakeCollectionId: number }, Promise<StakeEvalV2>>> } & { submitStake: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"mutation", "submitStake", { context: "STAKING" | "HARVESTING" ; mainnet: boolean ; signature: string ; stakeId: number ; transaction: string }, Promise<string>>> } & { takeStakingSnapshot: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "takeStakingSnapshot", { policyId: string ; stakeCollectionId: number ; token: string }, Promise<{ primordial: string[] ; totalStaked: number ; totalYield: number }>>> }> } & { wallet: CreateRouterInner<RootConfig<{ ctx: object ; errorShape: DefaultErrorShape ; meta: object ; transformer: DefaultDataTransformer }>, { getAssets: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAssets", { policies: string[] ; utxos: string[] }, Promise<never[] | (Omit<CachedAsset, "id"> | { assetName: string ; available: null | boolean ; id: number ; metadata: null | object ; policyId: string ; rarity: null | number ; unit: string })[]>>> } & { getAccountAssets: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAccountAssets", { policies: string[] ; stakeAddress: string }, Promise<(Omit<CachedAsset, "id"> | { assetName: string ; available: null | boolean ; id: number ; metadata: null | object ; policyId: string ; rarity: null | number ; unit: string })[]>>> } & { sendAssets: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "sendAssets", { changeAddress: string ; outputs: { address: string ; assets: { quantity: string | number ; unit: string }[] }[] ; recipient?: { note: string } ; utxos: Object }, Promise<string>>> } & { submit: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "submit", { mainnet?: boolean ; signature: string ; transaction: string }, Promise<{ submittedTx: string ; transactionHash: string }>>> } & { auth: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "auth", { app: string ; key?: string ; signature: string }, Promise<undefined | { app: string ; stake: string }>>> } & { getAuthPayload: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAuthPayload", { app: string }, Promise<string>>> } & { getAccountBalanceByPolicies: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAccountBalanceByPolicies", { stakeAddress: string }, Promise<{ [key: string]: Record<string, number>; }>>> } & { spacebudz: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"mutation", "spacebudz", { changeAddress: string ; collaterals?: string[] ; spacebudzId: string | number ; utxos: Object }, Promise<string>>> } & { transaction: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"mutation", "transaction", { changeAddress: string ; customMeta?: Record<string, any> ; delegations?: { address: string ; poolKeyHash?: string }[] ; mint?: { assets: ({ assetName: string ; destAddress?: string ; metadata?: any ; policyId: string ; quantity: string | number ; version: "cip25" } | { assetName: string ; destAddress?: string ; extraDatum?: any ; label: number ; metadata?: any ; policyId: string ; quantity: string | number ; version: "cip68" })[] ; policyScripts?: Record<string, PolicyScript> } ; note?: string ; outputs?: { address: string ; assets?: { quantity: string | number ; unit: string }[] ; datum?: { hash: string ; inline?: string } | { script: string ; type: "cborEncodedV2" | "cborEncodedV1" | "V2" | "V1" } }[] ; requiredSigners?: string[] ; unsnippable?: boolean ; utxos: Object }, Promise<{ aux: undefined | string ; transaction: string ; witnessSet: string } | { aux?: undefined ; transaction: string ; witnessSet?: undefined }>>> }> }>


DecoratedProcedureRecord<{ exchange: CreateRouterInner<RootConfig<{ ctx: object ; errorShape: DefaultErrorShape ; meta: object ; transformer: DefaultDataTransformer }>, { create: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"mutation", "create", { address: string ; fromAmount: number ; fromCurrency: number ; toCurrency: number }, Promise<{ fromAmount: number ; fromCurrency: string ; id: number ; payinAddress: any ; payoutAddress: string ; toAmount: number ; toCurrency: string ; validUntil: Date }>>> } & { getAllCurrencies: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAllCurrencies", undefined | { currencies: number[] }, Promise<{ decimals: number ; icon: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; network: string ; poolId: null | string ; ticker: string ; unit: string }[]>>> } & { getEstimatedAmount: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getEstimatedAmount", { fromAmount: number ; fromCurrency: number ; toCurrency: number }, Promise<{ toCurrency: { decimals: number ; icon: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; network: string ; poolId: null | string ; ticker: string ; unit: string } ; toEstAmount: undefined | number }>>> } & { getExchangeBoundaries: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getExchangeBoundaries", { flow: "fixed-rate" | "standard" ; fromCurrency: number ; toCurrency: number }, Promise<{ maxAmount: null | number ; minAmount: null | number }>>> } & { getPending: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getPending", { address?: string ; exchangeId: number }, Promise<{ assets: { collectionId: number ; destAddress?: string ; quantity: number }[] ; exchange: { from: { amount: null | string ; currency: { decimals: number ; icon: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; network: string ; poolId: null | string ; ticker: string ; unit: string } } ; payinAddress: undefined | string ; payoutAddress: string ; steps: { from: { currency: null | { decimals: number ; icon: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; network: string ; poolId: null | string ; ticker: string ; unit: string } } ; status: null | string ; to: { currency: null | { decimals: number ; icon: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; network: string ; poolId: null | string ; ticker: string ; unit: string } } }[] ; to: { amount: undefined | string | number ; currency: { decimals: number ; icon: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; network: string ; poolId: null | string ; ticker: string ; unit: string } } ; validUntil: null | string } ; recipient: null ; recipientAddressMismatch: boolean ; txHash: null }>>> } & { getTotal: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getTotal", { fromCurrency?: number ; toCurrency?: number }, Promise<Record<string, unknown>>>> } & { mint: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"mutation", "mint", { assets: { collectionId: number ; destAddress?: string ; quantity: number ; token?: string }[] ; changeAddress: string ; fromCurrency: string ; options?: { delegatePool?: boolean ; gReCaptchaToken?: string ; referral?: string } ; recipient?: boolean | { address: string ; note: string } }, Promise<{ address: string ; createdAt: string ; currency: string ; exchange: Exchange ; exchangeId: string ; expiredAt: string ; id: number ; keyhash: string ; ownerAddress: string ; recipient: undefined | boolean | { address: string ; note: string } ; tansactionId: null | string }>>> }> } & { marketplace: CreateRouterInner<RootConfig<{ ctx: object ; errorShape: DefaultErrorShape ; meta: object ; transformer: DefaultDataTransformer }>, { searchCollections: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "searchCollections", { term: string }, Promise<{ name: null | string ; policyId: string ; score: number }[]>>> } & { getCurrentUser: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getCurrentUser", undefined, Promise<undefined | { bio: null | string ; email: string ; emailVerified: null | Date ; id: string ; image: null | string ; name: null | string ; username: null | string ; walletConnections: { id: number ; userId: string ; wallet: { id: number ; stakeKey: string ; userId: null | string } ; walletExtensionKey: string ; walletId: number }[] ; wallets: { id: number ; stakeKey: string ; userId: null | string }[] }>>> }> } & { spo: CreateRouterInner<RootConfig<{ ctx: object ; errorShape: DefaultErrorShape ; meta: object ; transformer: DefaultDataTransformer }>, { getMetadataExists: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getMetadataExists", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<{ poolId: string }>>> } & { getMetadataErrors: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getMetadataErrors", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<{ cause: string ; poolHash: string ; poolId: string ; retryCount: number ; time: string ; utcTime: string }[]>>> } & { getMetadataHash: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getMetadataHash", { bech32PoolAddress: string ; hash: string }, Promise<{ description?: string ; homepage?: string ; name?: string ; ticker?: string ; verification?: string }>>> } & { getPool: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getPool", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<{ owners: number ; pledgeMet: boolean ; poolInfo: { active_size: number ; active_stake: string ; blocks_epoch: number ; blocks_minted: number ; declared_pledge: string ; fixed_cost: string ; hex: string ; live_delegators: number ; live_pledge: string ; live_saturation: number ; live_size: number ; live_stake: string ; margin_cost: number ; owners: string[] ; pool_id: string ; registration: string[] ; retirement: string[] ; reward_account: string ; vrf_key: string } }>>> } & { getTopology: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getTopology", { ipDns: string }, Promise<IOHKTopologyOutput>>> } & { getAllBlocks: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAllBlocks", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<DBSyncAllBlocksOutput>>> } & { getAllRelays: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAllRelays", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<{ lastEntry: DBSyncRelay[] ; location: (null | GeoipLiteLookup)[] ; relays: { [key: string]: DBSyncRelay[]; } ; rtt: RTTOutput[] }>>> } & { getAllMetadatas: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAllMetadatas", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<DBSyncAllMetadatasOutput[]>>> } & { getOfflineMetadata: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getOfflineMetadata", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<DBSyncOfflineMetadata[]>>> } & { getAllUpdates: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAllUpdates", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<DBSyncUpdatesOutput>>> }> } & { staking: CreateRouterInner<RootConfig<{ ctx: object ; errorShape: DefaultErrorShape ; meta: object ; transformer: DefaultDataTransformer }>, { collectionStats: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "collectionStats", { stakeCollectionId: number }, Promise<{ breakdown: Omit<{ description: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; policyId: null | string ; supply: null | number }, "id" | "description"> & { stakedNfts: number }[] ; total: { stakedNfts: number ; supply: number } }>>> } & { evaluateStake: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "evaluateStake", { stakeId: number }, Promise<{ date: Date ; total: { quantity: string ; unit: string }[] }[]>>> } & { getStakes: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getStakes", { changeAddress: string ; stakeCollectionId?: number }, Promise<({ address: string ; assets: CachedAsset[] ; claimId: null | number ; claimed: null | boolean ; claimedTx: boolean ; deleted: null | boolean ; deposit: any ; endAt: null | Date ; harvest: { isConfirmed: boolean ; json: undefined | TransactionJson ; txHash: undefined | string } & { context: null | string ; harvestAt: string ; id: number ; rewards: HarvestReward[] ; stakeId: number ; transactionId: number } & { confirmedAt: null | string ; createdAt: null | string ; id: number ; isConfirmed: null | boolean ; json: null | TransactionJson ; lockedUntil: null | string ; mainnet: null | boolean ; metadata: null | object ; metadataHash: null | string ; recipient: null | Recipient ; referral: null | string ; reservedPkh: string ; sentAt: null | string ; sequenceTxId: null | number ; sequencedTransaction: null | string ; submitted: null | boolean ; txHash: null | string ; wallet: null | string } ; harvestByAssets: { context: null | string ; harvestAt: null | string ; id: number ; quantity: null | string ; rewardUnit: null | string ; row: unknown ; stakeHarvestId: null | number ; stakeId: null | number ; txHash: null | string ; unit: null | string }[] ; id: number ; keyhash: string ; policyScript: PolicyScript$1 ; result: StakeEvalV2 ; rewards: null | number ; stakeCollectionId: number ; stakedTx: boolean ; startAt: null | Date ; status: StakeStatus ; transactionId: null | number } | { address: string ; assets: CachedAsset[] ; claimId: null | number ; claimed: null | boolean ; deleted: null | boolean ; deposit: any ; endAt: null | Date ; harvest: { context: null | string ; harvestAt: string ; id: number ; rewards: HarvestReward[] ; stakeId: number ; transactionId: number } & { confirmedAt: null | string ; createdAt: null | string ; id: number ; isConfirmed: null | boolean ; json: null | TransactionJson ; lockedUntil: null | string ; mainnet: null | boolean ; metadata: null | object ; metadataHash: null | string ; recipient: null | Recipient ; referral: null | string ; reservedPkh: string ; sentAt: null | string ; sequenceTxId: null | number ; sequencedTransaction: null | string ; submitted: null | boolean ; txHash: null | string ; wallet: null | string } ; harvestByAssets: { context: null | string ; harvestAt: null | string ; id: number ; quantity: null | string ; rewardUnit: null | string ; row: unknown ; stakeHarvestId: null | number ; stakeId: null | number ; txHash: null | string ; unit: null | string }[] ; id: number ; keyhash: string ; policyScript: PolicyScript$1 ; result: StakeEvalV2 ; rewards: null | number ; stakeCollectionId: number ; startAt: null | Date ; transactionId: null | number })[]>>> } & { harvestStake: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"mutation", "harvestStake", { assets?: string[] ; changeAddress: string ; claim?: boolean ; mainnet?: boolean ; stakeId: number ; utxos: Object }, Promise<{ transaction: string }>>> } & { stakableAssets: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "stakableAssets", { stakeCollectionId: number ; utxos: Object }, Promise<(Omit<CachedAsset, "id"> | { assetName: string ; available: null | boolean ; id: number ; metadata: null | object ; policyId: string ; rarity: null | number ; unit: string })[]>>> } & { stakeAssets: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"mutation", "stakeAssets", { assets: (string | { quantity: number ; unit: string })[] ; changeAddress: string ; mainnet: boolean ; options: { delegatePool?: boolean ; poolId?: string } ; seconds?: number ; stakeCollectionId: number ; utxos: Object ; wallet: string }, Promise<{ stakeId: number ; transaction: string }>>> } & { stakeCollectionInfo: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "stakeCollectionInfo", { stakeCollectionId: number }, Promise<{ stakeCollection: { available: boolean ; id: number ; maxPerTransaction: number ; minPerTransaction: null | number ; policies: string[] ; policiesInfo: { description: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; policyId: null | string ; supply: null | number }[] ; rules: any ; stakingPeriods: StakingPeriods[] ; tokens: { assetName: null | string ; available: null | boolean ; collectionId: null | number ; decimal: null | number ; id: number ; metadata: null | object ; unit: null | string }[] } }>>> } & { stakeEval: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "stakeEval", { assets: (string | { quantity: number ; unit: string })[] ; mainnet: boolean ; stakeCollectionId: number }, Promise<StakeEvalV2>>> } & { submitStake: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"mutation", "submitStake", { context: "STAKING" | "HARVESTING" ; mainnet: boolean ; signature: string ; stakeId: number ; transaction: string }, Promise<string>>> } & { takeStakingSnapshot: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "takeStakingSnapshot", { policyId: string ; stakeCollectionId: number ; token: string }, Promise<{ primordial: string[] ; totalStaked: number ; totalYield: number }>>> }> } & { wallet: CreateRouterInner<RootConfig<{ ctx: object ; errorShape: DefaultErrorShape ; meta: object ; transformer: DefaultDataTransformer }>, { getAssets: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAssets", { policies: string[] ; utxos: string[] }, Promise<never[] | (Omit<CachedAsset, "id"> | { assetName: string ; available: null | boolean ; id: number ; metadata: null | object ; policyId: string ; rarity: null | number ; unit: string })[]>>> } & { getAccountAssets: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAccountAssets", { policies: string[] ; stakeAddress: string }, Promise<(Omit<CachedAsset, "id"> | { assetName: string ; available: null | boolean ; id: number ; metadata: null | object ; policyId: string ; rarity: null | number ; unit: string })[]>>> } & { sendAssets: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "sendAssets", { changeAddress: string ; outputs: { address: string ; assets: { quantity: string | number ; unit: string }[] }[] ; recipient?: { note: string } ; utxos: Object }, Promise<string>>> } & { submit: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "submit", { mainnet?: boolean ; signature: string ; transaction: string }, Promise<{ submittedTx: string ; transactionHash: string }>>> } & { auth: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "auth", { app: string ; key?: string ; signature: string }, Promise<undefined | { app: string ; stake: string }>>> } & { getAuthPayload: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAuthPayload", { app: string }, Promise<string>>> } & { getAccountBalanceByPolicies: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAccountBalanceByPolicies", { stakeAddress: string }, Promise<{ [key: string]: Record<string, number>; }>>> } & { spacebudz: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"mutation", "spacebudz", { changeAddress: string ; collaterals?: string[] ; spacebudzId: string | number ; utxos: Object }, Promise<string>>> } & { transaction: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"mutation", "transaction", { changeAddress: string ; customMeta?: Record<string, any> ; delegations?: { address: string ; poolKeyHash?: string }[] ; mint?: { assets: ({ assetName: string ; destAddress?: string ; metadata?: any ; policyId: string ; quantity: string | number ; version: "cip25" } | { assetName: string ; destAddress?: string ; extraDatum?: any ; label: number ; metadata?: any ; policyId: string ; quantity: string | number ; version: "cip68" })[] ; policyScripts?: Record<string, PolicyScript> } ; note?: string ; outputs?: { address: string ; assets?: { quantity: string | number ; unit: string }[] ; datum?: { hash: string ; inline?: string } | { script: string ; type: "cborEncodedV2" | "cborEncodedV1" | "V2" | "V1" } }[] ; requiredSigners?: string[] ; unsnippable?: boolean ; utxos: Object }, Promise<{ aux: undefined | string ; transaction: string ; witnessSet: string } | { aux?: undefined ; transaction: string ; witnessSet?: undefined }>>> }> }>



updateClient(params?): DecoratedProcedureRecord<{ exchange: CreateRouterInner<RootConfig<{ ctx: object ; errorShape: DefaultErrorShape ; meta: object ; transformer: DefaultDataTransformer }>, { create: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"mutation", "create", { address: string ; fromAmount: number ; fromCurrency: number ; toCurrency: number }, Promise<{ fromAmount: number ; fromCurrency: string ; id: number ; payinAddress: any ; payoutAddress: string ; toAmount: number ; toCurrency: string ; validUntil: Date }>>> } & { getAllCurrencies: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAllCurrencies", undefined | { currencies: number[] }, Promise<{ decimals: number ; icon: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; network: string ; poolId: null | string ; ticker: string ; unit: string }[]>>> } & { getEstimatedAmount: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getEstimatedAmount", { fromAmount: number ; fromCurrency: number ; toCurrency: number }, Promise<{ toCurrency: { decimals: number ; icon: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; network: string ; poolId: null | string ; ticker: string ; unit: string } ; toEstAmount: undefined | number }>>> } & { getExchangeBoundaries: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getExchangeBoundaries", { flow: "fixed-rate" | "standard" ; fromCurrency: number ; toCurrency: number }, Promise<{ maxAmount: null | number ; minAmount: null | number }>>> } & { getPending: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getPending", { address?: string ; exchangeId: number }, Promise<{ assets: { collectionId: number ; destAddress?: string ; quantity: number }[] ; exchange: { from: { amount: null | string ; currency: { decimals: number ; icon: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; network: string ; poolId: null | string ; ticker: string ; unit: string } } ; payinAddress: undefined | string ; payoutAddress: string ; steps: { from: { currency: null | { decimals: number ; icon: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; network: string ; poolId: null | string ; ticker: string ; unit: string } } ; status: null | string ; to: { currency: null | { decimals: number ; icon: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; network: string ; poolId: null | string ; ticker: string ; unit: string } } }[] ; to: { amount: undefined | string | number ; currency: { decimals: number ; icon: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; network: string ; poolId: null | string ; ticker: string ; unit: string } } ; validUntil: null | string } ; recipient: null ; recipientAddressMismatch: boolean ; txHash: null }>>> } & { getTotal: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getTotal", { fromCurrency?: number ; toCurrency?: number }, Promise<Record<string, unknown>>>> } & { mint: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"mutation", "mint", { assets: { collectionId: number ; destAddress?: string ; quantity: number ; token?: string }[] ; changeAddress: string ; fromCurrency: string ; options?: { delegatePool?: boolean ; gReCaptchaToken?: string ; referral?: string } ; recipient?: boolean | { address: string ; note: string } }, Promise<{ address: string ; createdAt: string ; currency: string ; exchange: Exchange ; exchangeId: string ; expiredAt: string ; id: number ; keyhash: string ; ownerAddress: string ; recipient: undefined | boolean | { address: string ; note: string } ; tansactionId: null | string }>>> }> } & { marketplace: CreateRouterInner<RootConfig<{ ctx: object ; errorShape: DefaultErrorShape ; meta: object ; transformer: DefaultDataTransformer }>, { searchCollections: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "searchCollections", { term: string }, Promise<{ name: null | string ; policyId: string ; score: number }[]>>> } & { getCurrentUser: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getCurrentUser", undefined, Promise<undefined | { bio: null | string ; email: string ; emailVerified: null | Date ; id: string ; image: null | string ; name: null | string ; username: null | string ; walletConnections: { id: number ; userId: string ; wallet: { id: number ; stakeKey: string ; userId: null | string } ; walletExtensionKey: string ; walletId: number }[] ; wallets: { id: number ; stakeKey: string ; userId: null | string }[] }>>> }> } & { spo: CreateRouterInner<RootConfig<{ ctx: object ; errorShape: DefaultErrorShape ; meta: object ; transformer: DefaultDataTransformer }>, { getMetadataExists: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getMetadataExists", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<{ poolId: string }>>> } & { getMetadataErrors: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getMetadataErrors", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<{ cause: string ; poolHash: string ; poolId: string ; retryCount: number ; time: string ; utcTime: string }[]>>> } & { getMetadataHash: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getMetadataHash", { bech32PoolAddress: string ; hash: string }, Promise<{ description?: string ; homepage?: string ; name?: string ; ticker?: string ; verification?: string }>>> } & { getPool: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getPool", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<{ owners: number ; pledgeMet: boolean ; poolInfo: { active_size: number ; active_stake: string ; blocks_epoch: number ; blocks_minted: number ; declared_pledge: string ; fixed_cost: string ; hex: string ; live_delegators: number ; live_pledge: string ; live_saturation: number ; live_size: number ; live_stake: string ; margin_cost: number ; owners: string[] ; pool_id: string ; registration: string[] ; retirement: string[] ; reward_account: string ; vrf_key: string } }>>> } & { getTopology: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getTopology", { ipDns: string }, Promise<IOHKTopologyOutput>>> } & { getAllBlocks: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAllBlocks", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<DBSyncAllBlocksOutput>>> } & { getAllRelays: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAllRelays", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<{ lastEntry: DBSyncRelay[] ; location: (null | GeoipLiteLookup)[] ; relays: { [key: string]: DBSyncRelay[]; } ; rtt: RTTOutput[] }>>> } & { getAllMetadatas: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAllMetadatas", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<DBSyncAllMetadatasOutput[]>>> } & { getOfflineMetadata: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getOfflineMetadata", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<DBSyncOfflineMetadata[]>>> } & { getAllUpdates: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAllUpdates", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<DBSyncUpdatesOutput>>> }> } & { staking: CreateRouterInner<RootConfig<{ ctx: object ; errorShape: DefaultErrorShape ; meta: object ; transformer: DefaultDataTransformer }>, { collectionStats: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "collectionStats", { stakeCollectionId: number }, Promise<{ breakdown: Omit<{ description: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; policyId: null | string ; supply: null | number }, "id" | "description"> & { stakedNfts: number }[] ; total: { stakedNfts: number ; supply: number } }>>> } & { evaluateStake: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "evaluateStake", { stakeId: number }, Promise<{ date: Date ; total: { quantity: string ; unit: string }[] }[]>>> } & { getStakes: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getStakes", { changeAddress: string ; stakeCollectionId?: number }, Promise<({ address: string ; assets: CachedAsset[] ; claimId: null | number ; claimed: null | boolean ; claimedTx: boolean ; deleted: null | boolean ; deposit: any ; endAt: null | Date ; harvest: { isConfirmed: boolean ; json: undefined | TransactionJson ; txHash: undefined | string } & { context: null | string ; harvestAt: string ; id: number ; rewards: HarvestReward[] ; stakeId: number ; transactionId: number } & { confirmedAt: null | string ; createdAt: null | string ; id: number ; isConfirmed: null | boolean ; json: null | TransactionJson ; lockedUntil: null | string ; mainnet: null | boolean ; metadata: null | object ; metadataHash: null | string ; recipient: null | Recipient ; referral: null | string ; reservedPkh: string ; sentAt: null | string ; sequenceTxId: null | number ; sequencedTransaction: null | string ; submitted: null | boolean ; txHash: null | string ; wallet: null | string } ; harvestByAssets: { context: null | string ; harvestAt: null | string ; id: number ; quantity: null | string ; rewardUnit: null | string ; row: unknown ; stakeHarvestId: null | number ; stakeId: null | number ; txHash: null | string ; unit: null | string }[] ; id: number ; keyhash: string ; policyScript: PolicyScript$1 ; result: StakeEvalV2 ; rewards: null | number ; stakeCollectionId: number ; stakedTx: boolean ; startAt: null | Date ; status: StakeStatus ; transactionId: null | number } | { address: string ; assets: CachedAsset[] ; claimId: null | number ; claimed: null | boolean ; deleted: null | boolean ; deposit: any ; endAt: null | Date ; harvest: { context: null | string ; harvestAt: string ; id: number ; rewards: HarvestReward[] ; stakeId: number ; transactionId: number } & { confirmedAt: null | string ; createdAt: null | string ; id: number ; isConfirmed: null | boolean ; json: null | TransactionJson ; lockedUntil: null | string ; mainnet: null | boolean ; metadata: null | object ; metadataHash: null | string ; recipient: null | Recipient ; referral: null | string ; reservedPkh: string ; sentAt: null | string ; sequenceTxId: null | number ; sequencedTransaction: null | string ; submitted: null | boolean ; txHash: null | string ; wallet: null | string } ; harvestByAssets: { context: null | string ; harvestAt: null | string ; id: number ; quantity: null | string ; rewardUnit: null | string ; row: unknown ; stakeHarvestId: null | number ; stakeId: null | number ; txHash: null | string ; unit: null | string }[] ; id: number ; keyhash: string ; policyScript: PolicyScript$1 ; result: StakeEvalV2 ; rewards: null | number ; stakeCollectionId: number ; startAt: null | Date ; transactionId: null | number })[]>>> } & { harvestStake: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"mutation", "harvestStake", { assets?: string[] ; changeAddress: string ; claim?: boolean ; mainnet?: boolean ; stakeId: number ; utxos: Object }, Promise<{ transaction: string }>>> } & { stakableAssets: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "stakableAssets", { stakeCollectionId: number ; utxos: Object }, Promise<(Omit<CachedAsset, "id"> | { assetName: string ; available: null | boolean ; id: number ; metadata: null | object ; policyId: string ; rarity: null | number ; unit: string })[]>>> } & { stakeAssets: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"mutation", "stakeAssets", { assets: (string | { quantity: number ; unit: string })[] ; changeAddress: string ; mainnet: boolean ; options: { delegatePool?: boolean ; poolId?: string } ; seconds?: number ; stakeCollectionId: number ; utxos: Object ; wallet: string }, Promise<{ stakeId: number ; transaction: string }>>> } & { stakeCollectionInfo: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "stakeCollectionInfo", { stakeCollectionId: number }, Promise<{ stakeCollection: { available: boolean ; id: number ; maxPerTransaction: number ; minPerTransaction: null | number ; policies: string[] ; policiesInfo: { description: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; policyId: null | string ; supply: null | number }[] ; rules: any ; stakingPeriods: StakingPeriods[] ; tokens: { assetName: null | string ; available: null | boolean ; collectionId: null | number ; decimal: null | number ; id: number ; metadata: null | object ; unit: null | string }[] } }>>> } & { stakeEval: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "stakeEval", { assets: (string | { quantity: number ; unit: string })[] ; mainnet: boolean ; stakeCollectionId: number }, Promise<StakeEvalV2>>> } & { submitStake: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"mutation", "submitStake", { context: "STAKING" | "HARVESTING" ; mainnet: boolean ; signature: string ; stakeId: number ; transaction: string }, Promise<string>>> } & { takeStakingSnapshot: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "takeStakingSnapshot", { policyId: string ; stakeCollectionId: number ; token: string }, Promise<{ primordial: string[] ; totalStaked: number ; totalYield: number }>>> }> } & { wallet: CreateRouterInner<RootConfig<{ ctx: object ; errorShape: DefaultErrorShape ; meta: object ; transformer: DefaultDataTransformer }>, { getAssets: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAssets", { policies: string[] ; utxos: string[] }, Promise<never[] | (Omit<CachedAsset, "id"> | { assetName: string ; available: null | boolean ; id: number ; metadata: null | object ; policyId: string ; rarity: null | number ; unit: string })[]>>> } & { getAccountAssets: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAccountAssets", { policies: string[] ; stakeAddress: string }, Promise<(Omit<CachedAsset, "id"> | { assetName: string ; available: null | boolean ; id: number ; metadata: null | object ; policyId: string ; rarity: null | number ; unit: string })[]>>> } & { sendAssets: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "sendAssets", { changeAddress: string ; outputs: { address: string ; assets: { quantity: string | number ; unit: string }[] }[] ; recipient?: { note: string } ; utxos: Object }, Promise<string>>> } & { submit: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "submit", { mainnet?: boolean ; signature: string ; transaction: string }, Promise<{ submittedTx: string ; transactionHash: string }>>> } & { auth: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "auth", { app: string ; key?: string ; signature: string }, Promise<undefined | { app: string ; stake: string }>>> } & { getAuthPayload: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAuthPayload", { app: string }, Promise<string>>> } & { getAccountBalanceByPolicies: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAccountBalanceByPolicies", { stakeAddress: string }, Promise<{ [key: string]: Record<string, number>; }>>> } & { spacebudz: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"mutation", "spacebudz", { changeAddress: string ; collaterals?: string[] ; spacebudzId: string | number ; utxos: Object }, Promise<string>>> } & { transaction: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"mutation", "transaction", { changeAddress: string ; customMeta?: Record<string, any> ; delegations?: { address: string ; poolKeyHash?: string }[] ; mint?: { assets: ({ assetName: string ; destAddress?: string ; metadata?: any ; policyId: string ; quantity: string | number ; version: "cip25" } | { assetName: string ; destAddress?: string ; extraDatum?: any ; label: number ; metadata?: any ; policyId: string ; quantity: string | number ; version: "cip68" })[] ; policyScripts?: Record<string, PolicyScript> } ; note?: string ; outputs?: { address: string ; assets?: { quantity: string | number ; unit: string }[] ; datum?: { hash: string ; inline?: string } | { script: string ; type: "cborEncodedV2" | "cborEncodedV1" | "V2" | "V1" } }[] ; requiredSigners?: string[] ; unsnippable?: boolean ; utxos: Object }, Promise<{ aux: undefined | string ; transaction: string ; witnessSet: string } | { aux?: undefined ; transaction: string ; witnessSet?: undefined }>>> }> }>




DecoratedProcedureRecord<{ exchange: CreateRouterInner<RootConfig<{ ctx: object ; errorShape: DefaultErrorShape ; meta: object ; transformer: DefaultDataTransformer }>, { create: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"mutation", "create", { address: string ; fromAmount: number ; fromCurrency: number ; toCurrency: number }, Promise<{ fromAmount: number ; fromCurrency: string ; id: number ; payinAddress: any ; payoutAddress: string ; toAmount: number ; toCurrency: string ; validUntil: Date }>>> } & { getAllCurrencies: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAllCurrencies", undefined | { currencies: number[] }, Promise<{ decimals: number ; icon: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; network: string ; poolId: null | string ; ticker: string ; unit: string }[]>>> } & { getEstimatedAmount: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getEstimatedAmount", { fromAmount: number ; fromCurrency: number ; toCurrency: number }, Promise<{ toCurrency: { decimals: number ; icon: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; network: string ; poolId: null | string ; ticker: string ; unit: string } ; toEstAmount: undefined | number }>>> } & { getExchangeBoundaries: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getExchangeBoundaries", { flow: "fixed-rate" | "standard" ; fromCurrency: number ; toCurrency: number }, Promise<{ maxAmount: null | number ; minAmount: null | number }>>> } & { getPending: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getPending", { address?: string ; exchangeId: number }, Promise<{ assets: { collectionId: number ; destAddress?: string ; quantity: number }[] ; exchange: { from: { amount: null | string ; currency: { decimals: number ; icon: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; network: string ; poolId: null | string ; ticker: string ; unit: string } } ; payinAddress: undefined | string ; payoutAddress: string ; steps: { from: { currency: null | { decimals: number ; icon: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; network: string ; poolId: null | string ; ticker: string ; unit: string } } ; status: null | string ; to: { currency: null | { decimals: number ; icon: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; network: string ; poolId: null | string ; ticker: string ; unit: string } } }[] ; to: { amount: undefined | string | number ; currency: { decimals: number ; icon: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; network: string ; poolId: null | string ; ticker: string ; unit: string } } ; validUntil: null | string } ; recipient: null ; recipientAddressMismatch: boolean ; txHash: null }>>> } & { getTotal: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getTotal", { fromCurrency?: number ; toCurrency?: number }, Promise<Record<string, unknown>>>> } & { mint: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"mutation", "mint", { assets: { collectionId: number ; destAddress?: string ; quantity: number ; token?: string }[] ; changeAddress: string ; fromCurrency: string ; options?: { delegatePool?: boolean ; gReCaptchaToken?: string ; referral?: string } ; recipient?: boolean | { address: string ; note: string } }, Promise<{ address: string ; createdAt: string ; currency: string ; exchange: Exchange ; exchangeId: string ; expiredAt: string ; id: number ; keyhash: string ; ownerAddress: string ; recipient: undefined | boolean | { address: string ; note: string } ; tansactionId: null | string }>>> }> } & { marketplace: CreateRouterInner<RootConfig<{ ctx: object ; errorShape: DefaultErrorShape ; meta: object ; transformer: DefaultDataTransformer }>, { searchCollections: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "searchCollections", { term: string }, Promise<{ name: null | string ; policyId: string ; score: number }[]>>> } & { getCurrentUser: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getCurrentUser", undefined, Promise<undefined | { bio: null | string ; email: string ; emailVerified: null | Date ; id: string ; image: null | string ; name: null | string ; username: null | string ; walletConnections: { id: number ; userId: string ; wallet: { id: number ; stakeKey: string ; userId: null | string } ; walletExtensionKey: string ; walletId: number }[] ; wallets: { id: number ; stakeKey: string ; userId: null | string }[] }>>> }> } & { spo: CreateRouterInner<RootConfig<{ ctx: object ; errorShape: DefaultErrorShape ; meta: object ; transformer: DefaultDataTransformer }>, { getMetadataExists: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getMetadataExists", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<{ poolId: string }>>> } & { getMetadataErrors: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getMetadataErrors", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<{ cause: string ; poolHash: string ; poolId: string ; retryCount: number ; time: string ; utcTime: string }[]>>> } & { getMetadataHash: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getMetadataHash", { bech32PoolAddress: string ; hash: string }, Promise<{ description?: string ; homepage?: string ; name?: string ; ticker?: string ; verification?: string }>>> } & { getPool: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getPool", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<{ owners: number ; pledgeMet: boolean ; poolInfo: { active_size: number ; active_stake: string ; blocks_epoch: number ; blocks_minted: number ; declared_pledge: string ; fixed_cost: string ; hex: string ; live_delegators: number ; live_pledge: string ; live_saturation: number ; live_size: number ; live_stake: string ; margin_cost: number ; owners: string[] ; pool_id: string ; registration: string[] ; retirement: string[] ; reward_account: string ; vrf_key: string } }>>> } & { getTopology: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getTopology", { ipDns: string }, Promise<IOHKTopologyOutput>>> } & { getAllBlocks: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAllBlocks", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<DBSyncAllBlocksOutput>>> } & { getAllRelays: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAllRelays", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<{ lastEntry: DBSyncRelay[] ; location: (null | GeoipLiteLookup)[] ; relays: { [key: string]: DBSyncRelay[]; } ; rtt: RTTOutput[] }>>> } & { getAllMetadatas: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAllMetadatas", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<DBSyncAllMetadatasOutput[]>>> } & { getOfflineMetadata: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getOfflineMetadata", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<DBSyncOfflineMetadata[]>>> } & { getAllUpdates: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAllUpdates", { bech32PoolAddress: string }, Promise<DBSyncUpdatesOutput>>> }> } & { staking: CreateRouterInner<RootConfig<{ ctx: object ; errorShape: DefaultErrorShape ; meta: object ; transformer: DefaultDataTransformer }>, { collectionStats: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "collectionStats", { stakeCollectionId: number }, Promise<{ breakdown: Omit<{ description: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; policyId: null | string ; supply: null | number }, "id" | "description"> & { stakedNfts: number }[] ; total: { stakedNfts: number ; supply: number } }>>> } & { evaluateStake: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "evaluateStake", { stakeId: number }, Promise<{ date: Date ; total: { quantity: string ; unit: string }[] }[]>>> } & { getStakes: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getStakes", { changeAddress: string ; stakeCollectionId?: number }, Promise<({ address: string ; assets: CachedAsset[] ; claimId: null | number ; claimed: null | boolean ; claimedTx: boolean ; deleted: null | boolean ; deposit: any ; endAt: null | Date ; harvest: { isConfirmed: boolean ; json: undefined | TransactionJson ; txHash: undefined | string } & { context: null | string ; harvestAt: string ; id: number ; rewards: HarvestReward[] ; stakeId: number ; transactionId: number } & { confirmedAt: null | string ; createdAt: null | string ; id: number ; isConfirmed: null | boolean ; json: null | TransactionJson ; lockedUntil: null | string ; mainnet: null | boolean ; metadata: null | object ; metadataHash: null | string ; recipient: null | Recipient ; referral: null | string ; reservedPkh: string ; sentAt: null | string ; sequenceTxId: null | number ; sequencedTransaction: null | string ; submitted: null | boolean ; txHash: null | string ; wallet: null | string } ; harvestByAssets: { context: null | string ; harvestAt: null | string ; id: number ; quantity: null | string ; rewardUnit: null | string ; row: unknown ; stakeHarvestId: null | number ; stakeId: null | number ; txHash: null | string ; unit: null | string }[] ; id: number ; keyhash: string ; policyScript: PolicyScript$1 ; result: StakeEvalV2 ; rewards: null | number ; stakeCollectionId: number ; stakedTx: boolean ; startAt: null | Date ; status: StakeStatus ; transactionId: null | number } | { address: string ; assets: CachedAsset[] ; claimId: null | number ; claimed: null | boolean ; deleted: null | boolean ; deposit: any ; endAt: null | Date ; harvest: { context: null | string ; harvestAt: string ; id: number ; rewards: HarvestReward[] ; stakeId: number ; transactionId: number } & { confirmedAt: null | string ; createdAt: null | string ; id: number ; isConfirmed: null | boolean ; json: null | TransactionJson ; lockedUntil: null | string ; mainnet: null | boolean ; metadata: null | object ; metadataHash: null | string ; recipient: null | Recipient ; referral: null | string ; reservedPkh: string ; sentAt: null | string ; sequenceTxId: null | number ; sequencedTransaction: null | string ; submitted: null | boolean ; txHash: null | string ; wallet: null | string } ; harvestByAssets: { context: null | string ; harvestAt: null | string ; id: number ; quantity: null | string ; rewardUnit: null | string ; row: unknown ; stakeHarvestId: null | number ; stakeId: null | number ; txHash: null | string ; unit: null | string }[] ; id: number ; keyhash: string ; policyScript: PolicyScript$1 ; result: StakeEvalV2 ; rewards: null | number ; stakeCollectionId: number ; startAt: null | Date ; transactionId: null | number })[]>>> } & { harvestStake: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"mutation", "harvestStake", { assets?: string[] ; changeAddress: string ; claim?: boolean ; mainnet?: boolean ; stakeId: number ; utxos: Object }, Promise<{ transaction: string }>>> } & { stakableAssets: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "stakableAssets", { stakeCollectionId: number ; utxos: Object }, Promise<(Omit<CachedAsset, "id"> | { assetName: string ; available: null | boolean ; id: number ; metadata: null | object ; policyId: string ; rarity: null | number ; unit: string })[]>>> } & { stakeAssets: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"mutation", "stakeAssets", { assets: (string | { quantity: number ; unit: string })[] ; changeAddress: string ; mainnet: boolean ; options: { delegatePool?: boolean ; poolId?: string } ; seconds?: number ; stakeCollectionId: number ; utxos: Object ; wallet: string }, Promise<{ stakeId: number ; transaction: string }>>> } & { stakeCollectionInfo: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "stakeCollectionInfo", { stakeCollectionId: number }, Promise<{ stakeCollection: { available: boolean ; id: number ; maxPerTransaction: number ; minPerTransaction: null | number ; policies: string[] ; policiesInfo: { description: null | string ; id: number ; name: null | string ; policyId: null | string ; supply: null | number }[] ; rules: any ; stakingPeriods: StakingPeriods[] ; tokens: { assetName: null | string ; available: null | boolean ; collectionId: null | number ; decimal: null | number ; id: number ; metadata: null | object ; unit: null | string }[] } }>>> } & { stakeEval: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "stakeEval", { assets: (string | { quantity: number ; unit: string })[] ; mainnet: boolean ; stakeCollectionId: number }, Promise<StakeEvalV2>>> } & { submitStake: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"mutation", "submitStake", { context: "STAKING" | "HARVESTING" ; mainnet: boolean ; signature: string ; stakeId: number ; transaction: string }, Promise<string>>> } & { takeStakingSnapshot: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "takeStakingSnapshot", { policyId: string ; stakeCollectionId: number ; token: string }, Promise<{ primordial: string[] ; totalStaked: number ; totalYield: number }>>> }> } & { wallet: CreateRouterInner<RootConfig<{ ctx: object ; errorShape: DefaultErrorShape ; meta: object ; transformer: DefaultDataTransformer }>, { getAssets: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAssets", { policies: string[] ; utxos: string[] }, Promise<never[] | (Omit<CachedAsset, "id"> | { assetName: string ; available: null | boolean ; id: number ; metadata: null | object ; policyId: string ; rarity: null | number ; unit: string })[]>>> } & { getAccountAssets: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAccountAssets", { policies: string[] ; stakeAddress: string }, Promise<(Omit<CachedAsset, "id"> | { assetName: string ; available: null | boolean ; id: number ; metadata: null | object ; policyId: string ; rarity: null | number ; unit: string })[]>>> } & { sendAssets: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "sendAssets", { changeAddress: string ; outputs: { address: string ; assets: { quantity: string | number ; unit: string }[] }[] ; recipient?: { note: string } ; utxos: Object }, Promise<string>>> } & { submit: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "submit", { mainnet?: boolean ; signature: string ; transaction: string }, Promise<{ submittedTx: string ; transactionHash: string }>>> } & { auth: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "auth", { app: string ; key?: string ; signature: string }, Promise<undefined | { app: string ; stake: string }>>> } & { getAuthPayload: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAuthPayload", { app: string }, Promise<string>>> } & { getAccountBalanceByPolicies: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"query", "getAccountBalanceByPolicies", { stakeAddress: string }, Promise<{ [key: string]: Record<string, number>; }>>> } & { spacebudz: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"mutation", "spacebudz", { changeAddress: string ; collaterals?: string[] ; spacebudzId: string | number ; utxos: Object }, Promise<string>>> } & { transaction: ServiceProcedure<ServiceConfig<"mutation", "transaction", { changeAddress: string ; customMeta?: Record<string, any> ; delegations?: { address: string ; poolKeyHash?: string }[] ; mint?: { assets: ({ assetName: string ; destAddress?: string ; metadata?: any ; policyId: string ; quantity: string | number ; version: "cip25" } | { assetName: string ; destAddress?: string ; extraDatum?: any ; label: number ; metadata?: any ; policyId: string ; quantity: string | number ; version: "cip68" })[] ; policyScripts?: Record<string, PolicyScript> } ; note?: string ; outputs?: { address: string ; assets?: { quantity: string | number ; unit: string }[] ; datum?: { hash: string ; inline?: string } | { script: string ; type: "cborEncodedV2" | "cborEncodedV1" | "V2" | "V1" } }[] ; requiredSigners?: string[] ; unsnippable?: boolean ; utxos: Object }, Promise<{ aux: undefined | string ; transaction: string ; witnessSet: string } | { aux?: undefined ; transaction: string ; witnessSet?: undefined }>>> }> }>