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Collection info

Retrieve fundamental details regarding the stake collection.


stakeCollectionIdYour collection Id given by anvil

Usage example

import { anvil } from "@ada-anvil/sdk-client";

try {
await anvil.staking.getStakeCollectionInfo({ stakeCollectionId: YOUR_COLLECTION_ID });
} catch {
console.log("YOUR ERROR HANDLING");

Return informations

idIdentification of the stake collection
availableIndicates whether the stake collection is currently accessible
policiesLists the accepted policies for staking
stakingPeriodsSpecifies the allowed staking periods
stakingPeriods[0].labelDescribes the label for the staking period
stakingPeriods[0].secondsIndicates the duration of the staking period in seconds. If you wish to leave tokens unlocked, you can set this value to 1.
maxPerTransactionDenotes the maximum number of tokens that can be accepted per transaction, typically set at 50
minPerTransactionRepresents the minimum number of tokens accepted per transaction, which is usually set to null
tokensLists of the accepted rewards tokens