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Connecting a Cardano Wallet

Connecting to a user wallet is as simple as calling the wallet service's connect function and passing in a valid wallet name.

Basic example

import { anvil } from "@ada-anvil/sdk-client";

try {
await anvil.wallet.connect("nami");
} catch {
console.log("Error while connecting wallet");

React example

Here is a simple React component that presents the user with a wallet selector and connects to that wallet upon selection.

import { anvil } from "@ada-anvil/sdk-client";

const wallets = ["nami", "eternl"] as const;

function isWallet(str: string): str is typeof wallets[number] {
return wallets.includes(str as any);

export function ConnectWallet() {
const connectWallet = async (wallet: string) => {
try {
if (isWallet(wallet)) await anvil.wallet.connect(wallet);
} catch (error) {
console.log("error", error);

return (
<select onChange={event => connectWallet(}>
{ => (
<option key={wallet} value={wallet}>